With his drawing instrument returned, the artist excitedly prepares to begin a new masterpiece, but when the pencil meets the canvas, the lead snaps. SpongeBob and Patrick decide to send the magic pencil back from where it came, shooting it back up to the distraught artist. Patrick arrives and listens to SpongeBob's musings on the nature of his doppelgänger, mistaking SpongeBob's photograph for the doodle. The page with DoodleBob is then framed on a wall. Seizing his chance, SpongeBob closes DoodleBob in a book, in which the doodle is finally happy. DoodleBob corners SpongeBob in front of a bookshelf, but steps on a sheet of paper and finds his foot absorbed into it. However, DoodleBob sharpens his half and SpongeBob accidentally flicks his pencil out of the window at Squidward's head. DoodleBob has the eraser and SpongeBob has the point. DoodleBob then attempts to erase SpongeBob, and during the struggle, the pencil is snapped in half. Unbeknownst to SpongeBob and Patrick, a lone arm remains, and in the night it steals the pencil back from SpongeBob and redraws its body. SpongeBob eventually turns the tide of battle and uses the pencil's eraser to rub out DoodleBob. However, DoodleBob instead beats Squidward up and steals the Magic Pencil, going off to wreak havoc across the seascape. They soon come to discover that whatever they draw with the pencil is brought to life, and thus dub it the "Magic Pencil." SpongeBob soon draws "DoodleBob," a sketch version of himself intended to fool Squidward. SpongeBob and Patrick, at first terrified of the large artifact, start to doodle with it. As the artist cries out in horror, the French Narrator states the first rule of the artist at sea: " Always bring a spare pencil."ĭown on the ocean floor, SpongeBob and Patrick are playing "Rock-Paper-Scissors" using bubbles when the pencil suddenly lands in between them. On the ocean's surface, an artist (played by Doug Lawrence) in a rowboat is sketching feverishly, when his pencil suddenly slips from his hand and falls into the sea. "Frankendoodle" is the second segment of the 34th episode of SpongeBob SquarePants. Walt Dohrn SpongeBob SquarePants Episodes Previous